Building capacity for alcohol and drug services

Since 2008 the (Australian) Department of Health has provided funding to Victorian alcohol and other drug (AOD) agencies.

This program includes funding for the state peak bodies (including VAADA), drug and alcohol treatment services, prevention services and AOD policy initiatives.

Find out more about the Commonwealth’s response to alcohol and drugs.

Commonwealth funding to drug and alcohol treatment services is also provided through Primary Health Networks (PHNs) under the Annexure 2 of the Primary Health Network Grant Program Guidelines

In relation to capacity building, VAADA continues to support funded treatment services in Victoria to build linkages and strategic partnerships, promote workforce development initiatives, develop resources, and undertake organisational change to better meet the needs of clients presenting with complex needs.

AOD bodies in all states and territories of Australia have been funded until June 30th, 2023 to undertake this work.

For more information contact:

Jane Moreton, Project Coordinator
Phone: (03) 9412 5608