Network Meetings

VAADA coordinates a number of network meetings aimed at supporting and strengthening the work of key cohorts within the AOD sector.

The meetings also provide an opportunity for staff to share practice experience and network.

Current Network Meetings


The purpose of the AOD Catchment Planners’ Network (the Network) is to support members’ to effectively advocate and perform their role and functions and build the sector’s planning capacity and capability.

The Network aims to:

  • Facilitate shared planning knowledge and improved skills and practices amongst its members and participating AOD service provider organisations
  • Support the development of planning resources at the catchment level including collaborative leadership and action, data and information systems, evidence gathering processes, partnerships for preparing and implementing plans
  • Work collectively to advocate and deliver planning suitable to the range of purposes required within a catchment including strategic cross sectoral planning, AOD service planning, and municipal and public health planning.



The membership is comprised of Catchment Planners from each organization funded for this function (and/or their managers) and VAADA representatives.


For more information click here.

For more information contact

Scott Drummond – Program Manager


The Emergency Department Clinical Liaison Addiction Network (EDCLAN) is a group of clinicians working in Emergency Departments around Victoria to improve the management of AOD-related presentations.

VAADA works with EDCLAN providing administrative support, coordinating meetings, organising professional development opportunities, and arranging opportunities for networking, practice sharing and relationship strengthening.

VAADA will continue to support EDCLAN with future work focused on navigating key reforms such as the decriminalisation of public drunkenness and implementation of recommendations from the Royal Commissions on Mental Health and Domestic and Family Violence.

For more information contact

James Petty – Project Officer Special Projects


VAADA’s Family Violence AOD Community of Practice is a part of our Family Violence Project. It is an active network of clinicians, decision-makers and community leaders working within the AOD sector, who are keen to learn from and with each other.

COP members will receive regular updates on MARAM resourcing, education and employment opportunities, information packs, and invites to events designed around key work-based challenges and skill-sharing.

Join the Community of Practice


The Victorian Community AOD Nurses’ meeting is a group of community based alcohol and other drug nurses. This cohort of nurses often work in isolation or in very small teams.

Given the uniqueness of the role, it is considered essential by many that there is an opportunity for peer support, education, best practice review, discussion of the ongoing trends of use as well as ongoing sector developments. The goal of this group is to provide such a forum as well as a voice to this particular cohort of nurses.



Membership of the group is extended to all AOD nurses working in the community setting. Members of the group work either in withdrawal, stabilization, support and/or pharmacotherapy and do not primarily work in either the hospital or residential unit setting.


For more information contact

Scott Drummond – Program Manager


For more information contact

Julia Daly – Project and Administration Officer



The network has a dual purpose to:

  • provide a supportive network for sex, sexuality and gender diverse workers in the AOD sector;
  • improve AOD services for sex, sexuality and gender diverse people.


The membership is comprised of Victorian AOD workers who identify as sex, sexuality and/or gender diverse. Workers are inclusive of those providing frontline services, management, administration and research.


For more information click here.

To join the Sex, Sexuality and Gender Diverse AOD Worker Network, click here.