Careers in AOD

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The AOD sector offers a broad range of career options and career pathways.  Each year, over 80 funded AOD treatment agencies provide services to around 40,000 Victorians with drug and alcohol problems. AOD services are delivered in a range of settings by a range of staff.  Settings include residential services, hospitals, community health centers, non-residential settings, home based services and online support among others.  There is also a range of public service roles in local, state and federal government in AOD policy and overseeing AOD service providers.  This means there are a wide range of options to pursue a career in AOD.

One thing AOD roles have in common is a strong values-based focus. The AOD sector offers values-driven individuals the opportunity to contribute towards improving the health and welfare of those with AOD problems while also offering a highly fulfilling career.  Experience in AOD also sets you up to move in to other community sectors, making AOD experience a sought-after background among potential employers.

Some current roles available in the AOD sector include:

To find your next role in the AOD sector click here

To gain further qualifications in AOD click here