The Hub: A Walk-In Solution for Timely Intervention and Harm Minimisation in AOD Services

In 2022, LCHS identified that rising demand and long wait lists in the traditional intake system were a barrier to engaging with clients when they were motivated to make change. In response, LCHS implemented their innovation framework to assemble a cross-functional team to co-design a walk-in solution focused on early intervention and harm minimisation.

The methodology engaged innovation and design thinking workshops, and applied the lean start-up method through a pilot service. We engaged clients with lived experience of alcohol and drug addiction through interviews and sessions to co-design the final solution. Initially piloted with two staff one day per week, the Hub served adults dealing with substance issues. Survey data showed that 85% of respondents agreed that the new model reduced wait times for assessment to zero and improved service delivery. The service now operates 5 days per week.

Darren Stevens | Latrobe Valley Team lead for Addiction Services, Latrobe Community Health Service

Darren Stevens has a Bachelor of Counselling, is the Latrobe Valley Team Lead for Addiction Services at Latrobe Community Health Service and oversees a team of Counsellors, Assessors, Care and Recovery Worker, Mobile Drug Safety worker, NSP and the Hub, our 5 day a week walk in clinic.

Tess Watt | Manager for Addiction Services, Latrobe Community Health Service

Tess is the Manager for Addiction Services at Latrobe community health where she has been for 8 years. Tess is a fierce lived experienced advocate for AOD work after earning her own recovery story. Tess currently has a Bachelor of Counselling, Masters of Social Work and working through an MBA.

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