What is an ISE?
An Information Sharing Entity (ISE) is an organisation that is prescribed under the Family Violence Sharing Scheme (FVISS) and/ or Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS).
Only organisations that are prescribed as ISEs are able to share information under the FVISS and CISS.
State-funded AOD agencies are prescribed ISEs.
If you are sharing information with an employee from another agency or institution, you must make sure that the other organisation is also classified as an ISE.
Under the FVISS, an ISE can share information with a victim survivor for a risk management purpose.
What is an RAE?
Risk Assessment Entities (RAEs) are a sub-set of ISEs that can request and disclose information for a family violence assessment purpose under the FVISS to establish the presence and source of family violence risk. RAEs are therefore able to request information from other ISEs about alleged perpetrators, in addition to information about perpetrators, victim survivors and third parties for a family violence assessment purpose.
Which organisations are ISEs?
An ISE is a person or body prescribed (under the Family Violence Protection (Information Sharing and Risk Management) Regulations 2018 or Child Wellbeing and Safety (Information Sharing) Regulations), or a class of person or body prescribed, to be an ISE.
Click here to see which types of organisations are prescribed as ISEs
Which organisations are RAEs?
- State-funded specialist family violence services (including refuges, Men’s Behaviour Change Programs, family violence counselling and therapeutic programs)
- Risk Assessment and Management Panel (RAMP) members (including those services that would not otherwise be prescribed but only when participating in a RAMP)
- State-funded sexual assault services
- Child Protection
- Child FIRST services (excluding broader family services)
- Victims Support Agency
- Victim Assistance Programs and Victims of Crime Helpline)
- Victoria Police
- The Orange Door services.