SMS drug alerts

In 2023, Geelong reported the second highest fatal overdose rate in Victoria, highlighting an urgent need for innovative public health responses amid rising synthetic opioid threats, and communication strategies to alert the community of evidenced risks.
We developed an anonymous SMS portal to disseminate drug alerts, direct to the community.
The initiative allows people to register without identifying information, ensuring wider access to critical safety information. Through delivery of real-time alerts, we aim to inform individuals who might otherwise miss these warnings. Over the next 12 months, we will evaluate subscriber growth and community awareness through a baseline survey conducted in November 2024. The project represents a proactive approach to enhancing public knowledge and reducing overdose risks.

Craig Harvey | Harm Reduction Coordinator, Barwon Health 

Craig began his career in the mid 90’s providing outreach harm reduction services to homeless communities in Birmingham, UK, delivering small, focussed harm reduction programs, crack cocaine harm reduction programs and injectable pharmacotherapy pilots. Since emigrating in 2006, he has held a number of roles, supporting people who use drugs, with a focus on pragmatic harm reduction strategies.

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