SHARC international Overdose Awareness Day Reflection Event

Self Help Addiction Resource Centre 140 Grange Road, Carnegie

As you may be aware, International Overdose Awareness Day activities are held in communities around the world every year on August 31st. This year we invite you to join us for our reflection event at SHARC in Carnegie, 140 Grange Road from 11.00am- 1.00pm. We invite friends, family, staff, volunteers, members and the wider community


Lived Experience Applied (LEAP) training

Self Help Addiction Resource Centre 140 Grange Road, Carnegie

APSU is now recruiting participants for the LEAP Training (formerly known as the Peer Helper Training). This free training is designed specifically for people who have experienced alcohol and other drug (AOD) addiction, and are currently in stable recovery. Please note that we do not subscribe to any one definition of recovery, but do require
