Lived and living experience at heart – sustaining the LLE workforce

SHARC is partnering with the Victorian Department of Health, Yale University and international expert Dr Louise Byrne to deliver the Lived & Living Experience at Heart (LLEAH) program for Victorian AOD and Mental Health sectors.

A key project of LLEAH is the Program for Recovery and Community Health (PRCH) at Yale University, a world leader in peer research and initiatives for some decades. Tailored by local experts for the Victorian sectors, this lived experience led program is a tested collaborative model for building networks and mentoring between organisations who employ lived & living experience (LLE) workforces to better understand and enable authentic LLE work.

The collaborative is an innovative, comprehensive, and effective 12-month program for organisations to network, build literacy, address workplace culture and build appropriate employment processes and policies for effective and sustained LLE workforce development.

Matthew Corbett Manager |  Lived Experience Workforce, Self Help Addiction Resource Centre

Matthew Corbett is the Manager of Lived Experience Workforce at SHARC. He is also a designated lived experience Board Director at Forensicare. Matthew has over 30 years’ experience in program and project leadership. He’s passionate about supporting the AOD lived experience workforce and the organisations that employ them.

Emma Cadogen | Lived and Living Experience Workforce Manager, Department of Health 

Emma Cadogan (She/Her) is the Lived and Living Experience Workforce Manager at the Department of Health in Victoria. Emma has worked as an ally to advance the lived and living experience workforce in Victoria for 10 years. She has partnered with lived experience workforces to co-produce several strategies and is now managing investment from within government and seeing these strategies through to implementation. Emma has social work and training qualifications and extensive experience managing learning and development related programs and projects in the health sector. Prior to working at the department, Emma held positions in community mental health, the UK’s National Health Service, and the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia.

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