The role of podiatrists in identifying and addressing drug harms

Excessive and long term alcohol and intravenous drug use, particularly if injected into the lower limbs, can result in chronic wounds, infection, peripheral neuropathy, peripheral arterial disease and lead to amputation; all of which carry significant financial impacts on the health care system and serious implications for the individual.

Community based podiatrists can assess vascular and neurological status within the lower limbs and identify any early and subtle changes in these areas as a result of substance use outside of a hospital setting.

Early intervention and education in a community setting from allied health professionals has previously been overlooked in the harm reduction space, but is a move to ‘share the load’ in reducing stigma, improving quality of life, and costs across the health care system.

Rebecca Wegener | Podiatrist, cohealth 

Rebecca Wegener is a community based podiatrist at cohealth. Rebecca has worked across multiple organisations and locations within the inner city and CBD of Melbourne and has worked first hand with many individuals with substance dependencies, often with the intersectionality of homelessness or mental ill-health.

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