Submission to Inquiry into Women’s Pain

1 August 2024

The Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association is pleased to have made a submission to the Inquiry into Women’s Pain.

Our submission highlights the service gaps and systemic limitations at the intersection of women’s pain and substance use and/or dependence. This includes limited gender specific AOD capacity in Victoria, especially when compared with other states.

These service gaps are exacerbated by stigma as well as pre-existing trauma which often accompanies women’s experience of pain.

In preparing our submission, we consulted with women who have lived and living experience of pain alongside substance use and dependence.

Our submission found that:

  • Many women experiencing pain may resort to substance use as a means of pain management;
  • The rate of family violence among women experiencing substance use and/or dependence is disproportionately high; and
  • Recent data highlights surging rates of opioid related fatal overdose, underscoring risks for women who access unregulated drug markets to manage their pain.

Addressing some of these challenges requires an integrated response which accounts for issues relating to gender, pain and substance use and/or dependence. This includes increasing the capacity for gender specific AOD services in Victoria.

VAADA would like to thank those participants who provided personal and powerful insights to inform this submission.