Implementing an integrated model for mental health and AOD treatment

Step Thru Care (STC) provides a comprehensive and integrated service model for individuals requiring either co-occurring or independent alcohol and other drug (AOD) and mental health treatment needs. STC is delivered in each of the Western Victoria Primary Health Network (WVPHN) sub-regions using a partnership approach bringing together treatment expertise across the continuum of AOD and mental health needs.

The model is built on a person-centered approach with a simplified intake system to reduce the need for consumers to retell their stories. The integrated model allows smooth transitions across different levels of care, whether stepping up to more intensive support or stepping down to lower-intensity services.

Service delivery commenced on 1 July 2023 and will run for 3 years. WVPHN has commissioned an evaluation that will assess implementation and the outcomes of the program to shape future commissioning activities.

Rachael Krepp | Program Development Consultant, Western Victoria Primary Health Network

 Rachael Krepp is a Program Development Consultant in the Service Delivery Team at WVPHN. She oversees the commissioning of Alcohol and other Drug, After Hours and Homelessness primary care programs across Western Victoria and was formerly the AOD Catchment Planner in the Wimmera South-West and Geelong Otway regions.

Jo Harris | Commissioning Manager, Mental Health, Western Victoria Primary Health Network

Jo Harris is the Commissioning Manager for Mental Health at WVPHN. Jo and her team manage commissioned mental health programs including Step Thru Care (MH and AOD), Psychological Therapy Services in Residential Aged Care Homes, Psychosocial Support, and Head to Health.

Credited Persons

Leah Heiss | Associate Professor and Eva and Marc Besen International Research Chair in Design, Monash University

Shalini Arunogiri | Associate Professor, Clinical Director Turning Point Statewide Services & Hamilton Centre, Eastern Health, Turning Point/Monash Unitversity

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