Harm reduction strategies for benzodiazepine use: a systematic review

Benzodiazepine use is internationally prevalent and the rise of novel benzodiazepine, among other risks, has contributed to the implication of benzodiazepines in drug-induced deaths. Unfortunately, harm reduction strategies specific to benzodiazepine are limited.A systematic review of studies that explored harm reduction strategies for the use of benzodiazepines was conducted using four databases. The review identified 34 papers for inclusion which were analysed for type of harm reduction intervention or target population. The identified themes were prescribing (10), drug testing (9), population specific interventions (6), policy (5) and information sharing (4). Notably, there is a scarcity of literature specifically addressing harm reduction strategies tailored to benzodiazepine use as opposed to repurposed strategies.

Robert Lundin | Psychiatrist, Barwon Health Drug and Alcohol Services

Robert Lundin is a psychiatrist with AOD services at Mildura Base Public Hospital and Barwon Health. He also works with the addictive behaviours program at The Geelong Clinic and is an affiliate lecturer with Deakin University.

Antigone (Tiggy) Branchflower | Psychiatry Registrar, Barwon Health Drug and Alcohol Services 

Tiggy is a psychiatry registrar in her final year of training, currently completing advanced training certificate in Addiction Psychiatry

Credited Persons

Craig Harvey | Harm Reduction Coordinator, Barwon Health Drug and Alcohol Services

The Harm Reduction stream is sponsored by