Getting your Vaccine

How to Book a Vaccine Appointment

Book at a Vaccination Centre

Funded taxi travel to COVID-19 vaccine appointments

Anyone who receives a Government benefit through Centrelink (except the Family Tax Benefit), is eligible for funded taxi travel to COVID-19 vaccine appointments at vaccination centres. The service can be used for both first and second dose appointments and can be made at the same time you make your vaccination booking by calling the Victorian Coronavirus Hotline on 1 800 675 398. You will be provided with a return trip ID so you can book a paid return trip after completing your vaccination.

Book at a GP or Pharmacy

Book using the Australian Government clinic finder

The Australian Government’s Health website has a list of vaccination clinics in Victoria

Click here for more information about booking a vaccine appointment. 


On the day of your Vaccination:

Bring these things, if you have them:

Click here for more information about what you can do to prepare for your COVID-19 Vaccine