Framing and understanding what will address harms from others’ drinking

Aim: This work aims to describe existing treatment, brief interventions and policy options for those affected by others’ drinking.

Method: Using a narrative review of reviews, examples of successful strategies that reduce harm from others’ drinking will be presented and evaluated. Results: Limited strategies for evaluating harm and reducing harm from others’ drinking were identified at individual, family, community and policy levels. Findings that harm from others’ drinking are gendered, suggest strategies should focus attention on men’s harmful drinking.

Discussion: A framework for understanding and evaluating what works and what doesn’t to address harms from others’ drinking will be presented. This framework should inform future research and practice seeking to reduce harms from others’ drinking.

Anne-Marie Laslett | Professor, Manager of Alcohol’s Harm to Others Research, Centre for Alcohol Policy Research, La Trobe University

Anne-Marie Laslett is an NHMRC Emerging Leader and Professor at the Centre for Alcohol Policy Research (CAPR) at La Trobe University. Having worked in public health on alcohol and drug epidemiology for almost three decades, Anne-Marie is renowned for her research on Alcohol’s Harm to Others.

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