Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
The first Odyssey House opened in New York in 1966 as a residential rehabilitation program for people with a drug or alcohol addiction. Central to Odyssey House’s philosophy is the conviction that a new, drug-free lifestyle can be created through self-discovery, behavioural change and new relationships. This can be achieved within a supportive environment, based on mutual respect and responsibility.
Windana is a leading Melbourne-based drug and alcohol treatment centre specialising in holistic, client-focused recovery services programs. We help people rebuild their lives in a safe, caring environments and support our clients wherever they are in the recovery process. For Windana, effective recovery is about offering choices for people to take their lives in new, positive directions.
The Transport Accident Commission (TAC) is a Victorian Government-owned organisation set up to pay for treatment and benefits for people injured in transport accidents, promote road safety and improve Victoria’s trauma system.
TAC Towards Zero is a vision for a future free of deaths and serious injuries on our roads. The move Towards Zero is a collaborative effort between everyone in the community.
At Uniting, we believe in taking real steps to make the world a better place. We work to inspire people, enliven communities and confront injustice. Our services are in the areas of aged care and disability, community services, and chaplaincy and we get involved in social justice and advocacy issues that impact the people we serve.
Banyule Community Health is a stand alone, not for profit organisation, governed by a volunteer Board of Directors to deliver on its purpose ‘to improve the health and wellbeing of our community’. Banyule Community Health works across many sites and delivers multiple modalities of care and support in the primary health and welfare sector.
Mundipharma is a member of a global network of independent associated companies which are engaged in research, development, production and marketing of prescription medicines and consumer healthcare products. Established as a leader in the development and provision of medicines for pain, we have expanded our portfolio to include treatments for cancer care, ophthalmology, respiratory, hydration and first aid.