- Australia
- March 31, 2022
Company Information
Substance Use and Mental Illness Treatment Team (SUMITT) is part of the Victorian Dual Diagnosis Initiative, funded by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services, to strengthen the dual diagnosis capacity of staff in adult and youth mental health.
We provide leadership, advice and clinical expertise on the provision of evidence-based treatment and care to those who experience co-morbid mental health and substance use disorders.
Our vision is for consumers with a dual diagnosis to receive integrated treatment adapted to their individual needs. We provide:
- Clinical services
- Workforce development
- Service development
- Leadership and knowledge advancement
- Partnership development
We are a multi-disciplinary team, supported by a consultant psychiatrist and psychiatric registrar.
The use of alcohol and other drugs can have a negative effect on mental health, may prolong recovery, or interfere with prescribed medication and therapies. It can also impact on other people. For these reasons, all of our facilities are alcohol and other drug free environments.