AOD use and treatment among CALD communities in NSW

The presentation will present an overview of findings on AOD use and accessibility of treatment and support for individuals and communities of CALD background. This work builds on existing collaborations and shared interests between the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Odyssey House NSW and the Network of Alcohol and other Drugs Agencies.

The presentation will provide discussion of the limitations of data capture for people with a CALD background, patterns of risky substance use in CALD communities, feedback from AOD-focused engagement with CALD communities including faith and religious leaders, key findings on the role of religious and community leaders in supporting treatment and recovery for clients with CALD backgrounds, specific learnings from mainstream and specialist services supporting CALD individuals and communities including data from a specific research project, and a ‘ways forward’ discussion.

David Kelly | Executive Director Programs, Odyssey House NSW

David is the Executive Director- Programs for Odyssey House NSW and has been employed in the AOD and related sectors for almost 25 years. David has worked across a range of services and is passionate about improving prevention activities and service provision for individuals and communities impacted by substance use.

Credited Persons

Winifred Asare-Doku | Post Doctoral Research Fellow, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre

Stella Settumba-Stolk | Health Economist, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre

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