An enterprise bargaining agreement (EBA) for the Victorian AOD sector?

Wages and job security in the Victorian AOD sector have long been recognised as a significant issue, while low remuneration is consistently identified by the workforce as a key factor in thinking about leaving the AOD sector. Job insecurity is also frequently cited in decisions to leave the sector. Further AOD sector employers report remuneration and job security create challenges for recruiting and retaining staff. In thinking about these challenges, and in the context of the Health and Community Services Union (HACSU) recently receiving supported bargaining authorisation in the disability sector, VAADA and HACSU are hosting a workshop about potentially establishing an AOD Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA). This workshop will be an opportunity not only to learn about EBAs and the process to establish an EBA, but gather valuable insights from the sector and answer any questions attendees may have.

Stephanie Theusen | Projects and Political Liaison Officer, Health & Community Services Union

Steph began working at the Health and Community Services Union (HACSU) in 2020 as an area organiser before transitioning into the role of Projects and Political Liaison Officer in 2022. Prior to commencing at HACSU, Steph was a political campaigner and field organiser in State and Federal politics.

Paul Healey | Branch Secretary, Health and Community Services Union

Paul Healey is the Branch Secretary of the Health and Community Services Union (HACSU) representing over 12,000 workers in mental health, disability and drug and alcohol services in Victoria. Prior to becoming the Assistant Branch Secretary in 2011, Paul was a Senior Mental Health Nurse and Shift Leader in child and adolescent mental health for 26 years.

Patrick Stephenson | Senior Industrial Officer, Health and Community Services Union

Patrick Stephenson is the Senior Industrial Officer at the Health and Community Services Union (HACSU). As the leader of HACSU’s industrial team Patrick is responsible for overseeing bargaining in the disability, mental health and AOD sectors and developing the overall industrial strategy of the union. HACSU works collaboratively with government, employers, consumers and other stakeholders to ensure the best outcomes in the sectors we represent.

Scott Drummond | Head of Policy and Practice, VAADA

Scott is responsible for managing and supporting policy, professional practice and project staff at VAADA.  This includes overseeing the development of a range of evidence-based positions that inform best practice and building relationships with government and the service sector, providing expertise to the shaping of public policy, sector resourcing, capacity building and professional development.

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