Age-relevant drug and alcohol recovery support for older people

Older Australians (>50 years old) are a growing population who require recovery support in Victoria. Yet, older people face barriers to accessing age-appropriate treatment because services are most commonly designed for the needs of younger people. In 2023/2024, SHARC undertook a peer-led consultation with 20 older people who had experience accessing or trying to access recovery support. The project aimed to gather lived experience perspectives on accessing services and provide recommendations for meeting their community’s unique needs. Clare, one of the authors, and Jo, a consultation participant, will discuss the project findings and present a self-assessment tool developed in response to the participant’s recommendations for service improvements. The tool is designed to support drug and alcohol services in evaluating how well they are meeting the needs of older Victorians and also help older adults evaluate a service.

Clare Davies | CEO, Self Help Addiction Resource Centre

Clare’s work is informed by her recovery and practice expertise as a frontline peer and manager. She has managed many AOD peer workforces and has qualifications in AOD, social sciences, social work, governance, and strategy. She is the Vice-President of VAADA and a recipient of the Harvard Club of Victoria Non-Profit Fellowship.

Jo Niven | Lived Experience Consumer Consultant, Self Help Addiction Resource Centre

Jo is an active participant in the harm reduction and recovery movement. She is a Narcotics Anonymous member and has sponsored numerous people over many years. Health and community workers often invite Jo to provide peer support to others, including for a trauma-informed arts program. At 72 years of age, Jo recently celebrated her 10th year in recovery.

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