Under the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme (FVISS) and the Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS), you can request information from another organisation or agency who are also a prescribed Information Sharing Entity (ISE). The other organisation might hold family violence risk-relevant information about your client or they might hold information that can contribute to the wellbeing of a child.
Additional information can:
- Support the development of appropriate treatment plans and interventions to suit your client’s needs in relation to AOD treatment in the context of a family violence situation
- Assist with family violence safety planning to suit your client’s circumstances
- Support the development of interventions that promote a child’s wellbeing.
Note: AOD services are ISEs, but not prescribed Risk Assessment Entities (RAEs), so you cannot request information for the purpose of a family violence assessment.
When you are requesting information from an ISE, you must:
- Identify whether you are sharing under the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme or the Child Information Sharing Scheme, or both
- Identify the agency/organisation/service provider, which has the information you need. It must be classified as an ISE
- Contact the ISE, identify yourself as an ISE and state the type of information being requested, and whether the client is a victim survivor or a perpetrator
- Explain the purpose that the information will be used for, and how the information is relevant to that purpose
- Advise whether there is any time urgency to the request.