The Fight against Ice Addiction Moves online

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The Fight against Ice Addiction Moves online

12 November 2018


12 November 2018
Realdrugtalk announces Australia’s first online Ice & other addiction treatment program.

Ice user, Emily Taylor, will be one of Australia’s first to engage in the program. Ms. Taylor says:

“Accessing treatment, let alone effective treatment, has been difficult. Having rehab on my phone, in my pocket is a game changer for me!”

Recovered Ice addict & addiction counsellor, Mr. Jack Nagle, Addiction specialist Dr Nicole Lee and Exercise Scientist, Trent Pirihi, have teamed up to develop the “JEKYLL & HYDE” online addiction treatment program.

The program is an intensive six-week, biopsychosocial online addiction help and education course aimed at supporting thousands of Australians who can’t access Alcohol and other Drug services.

Realdrugtalk’s founder Mr. Jack Nagle says:

“There are no secrets surrounding the challenges our country is experiencing tackling the consequences of addiction for individuals and within our communities. With seemingly rising rates of drug and alcohol use and related harms, and a growing demand for drug and alcohol support services, timely access to publicly funded alcohol and drug services is limited. The high costs involved to access private rehabilitation services makes this choice of care for many people and their families struggling with addiction unattainable.

The internet and social media has been positively used to overthrow long standing ruthless dictators in the Middle East, affect outcomes in the American Presidential election and made countless people filthy rich, why can’t it be used to tackle addiction?

Modern technology enables us to reach those in need and provide access to alcohol and drug education and support services that may otherwise not be accessible”.

“We are changing the game, providing access to support for potentially thousands of Australians that have never been able to access this type of service before”.

Launch Details:

The Jekyll and Hyde Online Addiction Treatment Program will officially launch on the 11th of November at 12pm, on Realdrugtalk’s cyber home:

Jack Nagle and Emily Taylor are available for interview. They are both based in Melbourne, Australia.

Further enquiries:

Jack Nagle;
Telephone: 0403242436


12 November 2018
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