New coronial data releases to inform AOD policy and advocacy

The Coroners Court of Victoria holds a range of information on deaths investigated by coroners. While the primary reason for collecting this information is to inform coroners’ investigations, the Court has recently taken the initiative to release some data for broader community benefit: to inform policy development, assist the government and health sectors to understand emerging issues, and educate the Victorian public. In this presentation, State Coroner Judge John Cain will introduce two new data releases pertaining to Victorian overdose deaths. These are a quarterly update report on Victorian overdose deaths and a report on overdose death among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.


John Cain, State Coroner, Coroners Court of Victoria

Judge John Cain heads the Coroners Court of Victoria. Victoria’s coroners have long been engaged in efforts to reduce deaths associated with alcohol and other drug use, and have advocated for harm reduction measures, including supervised injecting, drug checking, overdose education and improved access to naloxone.

Jeremy Dwyer Manager, Research and Policy, Coroners Prevention Unit Coroners Court of Victoria

Dr Jeremy Dwyer is the Manager, Research and Policy in the Coroners Prevention Unit. He assists coroners with their investigations and supports their death prevention mandate, including through the collation and analysis of mortality data.

Troy Williamson Manager, Koori Engagement Unit Coroners Court of Victoria

Troy Williamson is the Manager, Koori Engagement Unit for the Coroners Court of Victoria. He supports the families of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who come into the Court’s care, ensures the Court meets their cultural needs, and advocates for the health and safety of First Nations communities.


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