Evaluation of the OurRelationship Program within Residential AOD Services

Relationship conflict may be a predictor of relapse in those recovering from AOD problems. Evidence suggests that relationship therapy can improve relationship wellbeing, and minimize risk of relapse in individuals experiencing AOD issues. The OurRelationship (OR) program is a relationship therapy program that has a strong evidence-base, with over 700 individuals participating in US-based trials. Its effectiveness at improving relationship wellbeing has led to its recent translation to residential AOD services in Australia. The current ADRIA-funded project involves a single-arm trial delivering the OR program within residential services over 4 weeks in a group format, with assessments of relationship wellbeing and AOD use taking place up to 6 months post-program. 15 groups have been run across 5 facilities consisting of 103 individuals (Mage = 37). This presentation reports on the efficacy of the program up to 3 months post-program.


Caroline Long Manager, Service Development Odyssey House Victoria

Caroline Long is a manager and clinician at Odyssey House Victoria. She is a registered psychologist who has worked in the AOD sector for many years, and is currently involved in a range of research projects including the evaluation of the OurRelationship program.

Petra Staiger Associate Professor Deakin University

Petra Staiger is an Associate Professor within the School of Psychology at Deakin University. She is also the Deputy Director of the Centre for Drug Use, Addictive and Anti-social behaviour (CEDAAR). Petra Staiger is currently leading the Australian translation and evaluation of the OurRelationship program with residential AOD services.


Credited Authors

Gery Karantzas Professor Deakin University

Stefan Gruenert Chief Executive Officer Odyssey House Victoria


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