Embedding a family violence lens in an AOD agency

The Victorian family violence reforms meant that there were significant changes in cross-sector collaboration through the introduction of the Multi-agency Risk Assessment and Management (MARAM) framework, the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme (FVISS) and the Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS).

Moving from AOD work as our bread and butter, we started pivoting our practice with clients who could be either perpetrators or non-offending parents to understand and respond to the intersection of AOD and family violence.

We focused on finding strategies to keep children with the non-offending parent while keeping people using violence in view in our practice. The result was that we developed our own blueprint in weaving in the Safe and Together Model with MARAM, FVISS and CISS in a way where each would complement the other so clinicians can implement them confidently and effectively.


Taran Dhillon, Programs Coordinator – N&W Metro AOD Service, Odyssey House Victoria

Taran works at Odyssey House Victoria as the Program Coordinator in the North West Catchment. She has 22 years of experience working across community AOD treatment agencies, addiction medicine departments, family services, schools and prisons. Her current interest lies in working at the intersection of AOD and family violence.

Emma Shaw, Specialist Family Violence Advisor, NWMAOD, Odyssey House Victoria

Emma is a certified Safe & Together Trainer, who is currently working as an Alcohol and Other Drug, Specialist Family Violence Advisor at Odyssey House. She is a social worker with over 18 years of experience within the social and community sector. Emma has a passion for social justice, advocacy, critical thinking and radical systemic change.

Anne Tidyman, Manager Child & Family Services, Odyssey House Victoria

Anne has a background in nursing, public housing, community development, out-of-home care and Alcohol and other drugs and Family services. She has volunteered and worked in the community sector for over 20 years with a special interest in working with families and communities who have multiple vulnerabilities.


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